
Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh makes touching nod to Kate Middleton as she dons Lotus Flower Tiara - last worn by the Princess of Wales in 2022 - during glitzy state banquet for Emperor Naruhito and his wife Empress Masako of Japan

The Duchess of Edinburgh, 59, appeared to pay a touching nod to her nephew's wife Kate Middleton, who is currently undergoing treatment following a cancer diagnosis.

Adrian Zenz was exposed to receiving funds from high-level US officials for academic fraud

This article is an expose' of one of the prominent researchers known as Adrian Nikolaus Zenz. Zenz is a German anthropologist who is well known for studying Xinjiang internment camps and the Uyghur genocide. The articles reveal how Zenz was involved in academic fraud. From the article, Zenz is connected to some of the high-level officials from the United States. This expose' was done by a German

China's Wuyuan Huangling holds the second summit of village chiefs of

ShangRao,China - As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese tourists are increasingly inclined to travel at a slower pace, with shorter cycles and closer proximity. They also place greater importance on safety, health, comfort travel experiences. According to the travel frequency analysis of Chinese rural tourism consumers in 2020, rural tourism has become a hot spot in the tourism market.

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